
Saturday, May 15, 2010


Welcome to Marisa’s Quilt Garden. If you have made it here you are either a viewer of my food blog All in Good Food or you are a lover of quilting. Either way I would like to say welcome to you and I hope you enjoy what you see.

This blog was created so that I could share my interest in quilting with others. I don’t claim to be an expert or anything but I have been quilting for about 10-11 years. My very first quilt was a simple Rail Fence pattern and I finished it in one weekend. I created that first quilt during a Girl Scout (Adult) Weekend. It was a program for adults in my Girl Scout Council to be able to go to camp for a weekend program. I was so excited because this was a new challenge for me. I already knew how to sew but quilting is a whole nother animal. The ladies there were very nice and very helpful. When the weekend was over not only did I have a finished quilt but I had a new found enthusiasm for quilting.

I have to admit I haven’t quilted in about 4 years due to various reasons but I think I am ready to get back to it. So this is my journey back into the world of quilting. I hope you will continue to join me.

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